How to get to us
Public transport
Roseville Escape Room is served by VMCV bus line 211 from Vevey station. The nearest stop “Gonelles” is located approximately 100 m. You can consult the timetables on the VMCV website. on the VMCV website. or with Google Maps
Car park
There are a few spaces in front of the front door. Otherwise, if you are arriving from Vevey, please park on the grass along the sidewalk when you arrive at n ° 44. Coming from Lausanne, the easiest way is to park near the La Pichette campsite (Google Maps link).
Options and prices
You book for a session of 2 to 6 participants regardless of the choice of room. We limit group sizes to 6 people so you can feel comfortable and get the most out of your experience.
Price for a game session regardless of the choice of room: CHF 120 for 2 players, CHF 150 for 3-4 players, CHF 180 for 5-6 players.
Credit cards, PostFinance, bank transfer or, on site, in cash or with TWINT.

Number of people per group
Nos salles conviennent pour des groupes de 2 à 6 personnes. La taille idéale recommandée du groupe pour effectuer nos salles est de 4 personnes. Pour une expérience optimale, nous limitons le nombre de personnes par groupe à 6.
Skills and knowledge needed
Apart from a desire to have a good time, no special skills are necessary. All the information you need will be provided ... or hidden ... it's up to you to find it.
Can I cancel a reservation?
No, unfortunately not. However, you can contact us to change the date of your reservation.
How long to plan in Roseville?
Comptez environ 90 minutes, un quart d’heure pour les explications, 60 minutes pour le jeu et un quart d’heure supplémentaire pour le débriefing. Vous pourrez également vous relaxer et vous désaltérer avant ou après le jeu dans notre salle d’accueil au décor enchanteur.
Venez à l’heure indiquée sur la réservation, pas besoin de venir en avance.
Minimum age
The minimum age to participate in our game is 12 years old. However, we accept younger children if they are accompanied by at least one adult. We do not recommend the game for at least 10 years old. Children wouldn't have fun, parents even less...
Unfortunately, at this time we cannot provide wheelchair access. We are looking for a solution.
Safety and health
A video surveillance system allows us to ensure your safety throughout the game. In the event of a problem, you can exit the game at any time in a few seconds. There is nothing scary or oppressive about our scenario and our environment.
If you usually use glasses to read we recommend that you take them with you.